Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm still sitting here in Cactus, Texas waiting for my load to be ready. Unfortunately the load is now over eight hours past it's drop dead time. (Drop Dead Time refers to the absolute latest time the load can leave the shipper to "legally" arrive on time at it's destination.)

Today I haven't been doing much but watching a few DVD's, reading my current book and surfing the net. While doing the last I decided to download the pictures from my camera to the laptop and publish a few ... and here they are.

[Giant Bronze Dinosaur just north of Boise City, Oklahoma]

[Very small church in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Walton, Kentucky]

[Barges on the Mississippi River outside St. Louis, Missouri]

[Approaching the suspension bridge span of the Ohio River at the Indiana & Ohio border]

[Entering into the Lower Ozark Mountains in Missouri]

That's all for now, more later!

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