Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Super Trucker!

Well, we took our skills test today and needless to say I passed with a perfect score

Perry passed as well, he didn't get a perfect score but he did very well. I was worried about him, guess there is someone up there looking out for him.

The morning started off on time and we did backing exercises to start the day off. After lunch we headed down to the test area and Dale let Perry drive down there. We got there about an hour and a half before our testing appointment so we each drove the back side of the route three times.

Once the tester arrived we each did our air brakes test then Perry was first. Dale and I were talking about him while he was gone, and we were both praying that he would pass so we wouldn't have to come back tomorrow.

When he came around and got out of the truck, the smile on his face said it all. Dale was very proud of him, and I was very happy as well. He still scares me a bit when he drives, but looks like he finally found some confidence.

I took my driving test after him and it went swimmingly. I did have one shifting issue but it wasn't major.

Afterwards we headed over to the DPS office to turn in our testing paperwork and get our licenses, damn it's about time. Seems like this month has taken forever.

Afterwards I drove us back to the campus, and even got to drive on the campus property (the school police do not let students drive on the campus roads) and park the truck in our spot.

That's it ... Tomorrow Dale is taking us out for breakfast and then we are calling it a day at noon. We graduate on Friday after we attend the main campus rodeo.

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